7820 Dinmore Manor - The Blog

This blog will follow the heavy overhaul of 7820 through to its return to steam. The chassis is being overhauled at Tyseley Locomotive Works whilst the boiler is being overhauled at Ian Riley's workshops.
We are working hard every weekend to bring together the hundreds of small pieces that require refurbishing to get the loco back into working order. Follow us to keep up todate with the weekly progress and who knows if you like the look of what you see you may even be tempted to join us and help put 7820 back in action.

Sunday 4 January 2015

3rd January 2015 - Tender Progress

                                                         2015 - The Year of the Tender

                              Through the last months of 2014, progress was being made on
                               re-bushing the brake gear for the new Dinmore Manor tender.

      The brake hanger brackets and top bushes in the brake hangers have
     all been renewed and the lower bushes that fit to the brake beams
 are also being renewed  

Some progress was made on the new plate work for the new drag box

                             The tender steps were removed to facilitate cleaning and painting
                             of the frames and the 'U' shaped angle iron that carries the various
                               engine to tender pipes was trial fitted to the new frame sections

    In late December, the frames moved to Toddington for completion of
  the drag box and will remain there for re- erection. After removal of
     the frames, the new 3,500 gallon tank which replaces the original 4,000
 gallon Collett tender tank was placed on the jacks
    New rubbing blocks for the brake hangers have been cast and
 are being machined in readiness for fitting

                                 The brake shaft is currently 'off-site' for machining work to be
                                 completed on it and the links from this shaft to the adjusting
                                                   screws have been re-bushed

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