7820 Dinmore Manor - The Blog

This blog will follow the heavy overhaul of 7820 through to its return to steam. The chassis is being overhauled at Tyseley Locomotive Works whilst the boiler is being overhauled at Ian Riley's workshops.
We are working hard every weekend to bring together the hundreds of small pieces that require refurbishing to get the loco back into working order. Follow us to keep up todate with the weekly progress and who knows if you like the look of what you see you may even be tempted to join us and help put 7820 back in action.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Naming your car and axleboxes....

Whilst it is commendable that all volunteers take their role in Dinmore Manor seriously a few of us wondered if things were being taken a touch too far when one director arrived at the last working party with his job title emblazoned across the rear of his transport for the day!

Meanwhile deep in the workshops at Tyseley the axle boxes have been metalled and machined, work is also underway on replacing the liner plates so that these can be machined back to fit the reground horns on the frames.

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