The cab with some of the fittings bolted back in place.
A view down the fireman's side of the engine
A view down the drier's side of the engine
Back inside the tent, work starts on the smoke box area
With the cab safely back in place, the engine is shunted back onto the turntable

With the cab in place, cladding of the boiler and firebox can be undertaken
The cab roof is lowered into position
The engine is manoeuvred to allow turning prior to installation of the cab roof
After a long day and a few trials and tribulations, the boiler is finally positioned in the frames
The steam fountain has to be installed on the firebox back head before the cab roof is replaced
The holes for securing ash pan flange to the foundation ring are marked out to accept the securing studs. The rectangular cut outs are the positions of the grate support brackets.
The modified design of ash pan as fitted to 7828 is prepared for installation to the firebox. This fabrication caused some clearance problems during installation to the frames and had to be modified to allow the boiler to sit correctly in the frames
The regulator handle is cleaned and receives a fresh undercoat of paint
The air vacuum release valves, commonly known as the snifting valves, have had the valves faces and spindles reground. The assemblies are of BR design as they have the additional boss which can be used for measuring steam chest pressure.
Cutting new joints prior to re-assembly of the air vacuum release valves.