7820 Dinmore Manor - The Blog

This blog will follow the heavy overhaul of 7820 through to its return to steam. The chassis is being overhauled at Tyseley Locomotive Works whilst the boiler is being overhauled at Ian Riley's workshops.
We are working hard every weekend to bring together the hundreds of small pieces that require refurbishing to get the loco back into working order. Follow us to keep up todate with the weekly progress and who knows if you like the look of what you see you may even be tempted to join us and help put 7820 back in action.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Saturday, 9th March 2013

I'm sure it came off from here but has anybody got any ideas how we get the ****** thing back on!

All of the copper requires annealing to ensure that the pipework is ductile so that the pipes and joints are not stressed when re-assembled to the locomotive. Here the top feed and injector pipe sections are being annealed with a propane/oxygen torch

The pipes are annealed by heating them to a cherry red and then allowing them to air cool. Care is taken not to heat the joints between the copper pipe and brass flanges.

Trial fitting of the firemans side crosshead requires careful scraping to ensure a good fit to the reground slide bars.

                                                       One down and one to go!

1 comment:

  1. Top photo... i know it came off there, cos i took it off the other week!
